Protect them and defend them at all costs. Take care of your land, especially if it is home to flowers of life. However, with a limited number of dragons and plenty of Zomblins, you will literally have to fight to succeed. After completing all three tiers in a Challenge Level, the Levels regular name will be revealed, and it can be played normally like non-challenge Levels.

Each Challenge Level must be completed in a limited time, a Dragon is given as a reward for completion and the next tier in. At first you had to complete a Level only once, but since Version 2.7.1 challenges have three tiers. These Levels can be identified by a gray goblet. As the map is not very large, the difficulty is not in the combinations or manipulation of elements. Each Challenge Level must be completed in a limited time, a Dragon is given as a reward for completion and the next tier in a Challenge Level will be unlocked. Since Version 2.0.2, various Levels were changed into Challenge Levels.

The steps of the Merge Dragons challenge 19Ī challenge that lives up to its name. wen i finaly merged log to final stage its disepears all that work gone.